‘We The Immigrants’ Installation in Partnership with Phong Bui and the Brooklyn Rail

Second Shift Studio partnered with artist Phong Bui and the Brooklyn Rail on a project that recognizes individuals that live and work in Minnesota and have contributed to the vitality of the Twin Cities art scene.

The installation is a continuation of Bui's We the Immigrants project. The project aims to elevate immigration in our communities across America and honor creative individuals who have immigrated to the U.S. and made an impact across the sciences, arts, and humanities.

For more information, visit https://brooklynrail.org/projects/we-the-immigrants/


The installation is located at 1110 Payne Ave, just one block down from Second Shift Studio Space of St. Paul. This installation was made possible with the assistance of Brandon Chambers and Nadia Kellner, graduate students from the University of Minnesota Department of Art. A special thanks to Jon Oulman for giving us permission to wheat paste this project on his building.

“We feel that We The Immigrants, as an ongoing project, has the potential to raise awareness, create dialogue, and above all provide common ground that immigration policy is a quintessential part of American identity.”

- Phong Bui, publisher of the Brooklyn Rail
